RM and the branch office costsNo. of comments:1 sunil s bhagat, pondicherry, 9646 On 09-Sep-2017

As of today it is seen popularly known as RM or the Relationship Manager is visiting the customers directly and completing the 'direct 'investments. This is specially happening in the smaller cities. The point of contention here is that originally he was to be a relationship manager to the IFA but now it the wheel is turning more towards the direct investor. The costs of the branch office including the salary of the RM according to me cannot and should not be charged to the Regular plan only . It should be equally charged to the Direct plan as the branch also caters to a great extent to the Direct Investors.

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Sridhar ARN NO :115611 SALEM, 12 Sep 2017

Yes mr.sunil. The branch office costs including all expenses such as RM salary etc should be equally charged to the direct plan also.

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