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Duniya ko Hilatha ek Ekela !

Date : 01-10-2017
Name: Vishal Rastogi ARN NO :87541
Firm Name : Avi Investment & Consultancy City : Patna

"Duniya ko Hilatha ek Ekela ' alias King Jong : Friends it is well said in "Jo Garajten hain woh barasten nahin" then why do we fear from it ?...its simple because we are animals, but in that we are Humans who lives with little Brain, Thought, & off course with some physical materials for our comfort. 
We fear only for the loss of that comfort & wisely KJ is threatening the world for it. Now if we do not listen to any NEWS related to this then R we going to be frighten "Not at all" ....whereas in second world we r shaping ourselves in the better guideline of Mr. MODI : A good nation, A strong Economy, A Swach Enviornment , & many more.
Well shaping has always been a difficult process whereas destroying is simpler. It is our choice which way we want to move. In history we all know the shaper is praised & destroyer is lost out. So, why we forget this basic lesson ?
Build your own & Client's portfolio in the wave of KJ to stable Modi (means Optimist), We are bounded to grow faster than any one in the World. These global incident is favorable for our investor : let us teach them. The liquidity story is almost over, now comes the Margin story : Let it complete in 6 - 12 months then see.......
The ups & downs in short term is & will always be their in any way, either as of  Brexit - US Pre. Election, KJ - DT, Brexit - Raghu R R, Italy - Seriya.....bla bla bla..... have them ever put any impact for any investor in the World - NO NEVER !
Then let a single man make noise, we should built ouselves : Financially, Healthier, etc.   

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