Wealth Forum Tv

Honest advice drives father-son duo past 1000 cr AuMAnandbir Singh, Anandini Financial Services, Mumbai

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Key Take-Aways
  • Client want great service, consistency and honesty irrespective of the size of the portfolio.

  • The overload of widely available information impacts client engagement and forces advisors to be well read, knowledgeable and available.

  • Don't mix the job of the fund manager and the advisor. It is the fund manager's role to create alpha and beat the index. The advisor's job is asset allocation and identify the right mix of product and asset class.

  • Define who you are, what you intend to do, where you intend to add value and be patient as it takes time to build the business given the increased expenses, penetration, awareness and competition.

  • If you define who you are, then you will find customers that suit you as well as the business model that plays to your strengths.

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