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FIFA's message to regulators and AMCsDhruv Mehta & Vinod Jain, FIFA, Mumbai

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Very Nice Information from both of you.Thanks

Deepak Shamdasani ARN NO :17505 Bangalore, 27 Apr 2020

I feel the TLRTO has an allocation already and the same is under utilised, why should it not be extended to Mutual Funds too improve the liquidity Further, unlisted illiquid papers are not tradeable therefore reducing the valuation should be compulsory side pocketed so the rest of the portfolio is cleaner Emergency measures are needed from the Regulators to restore the sanity in the market

Chandan Ghosh ARN NO :PRUDENTWEALTH SIliguri , 27 Apr 2020

MY Question to FT Fund Manager is Why this situation has arose ? It is just bcoz they have invested in low graded and illiquid securities, How come a Fund Manager who is so qualified can indulge him self in this kind of activity , now they are telling that its due to lockdown the problem started during the month of August it self , I think SEBI Should grill the Fund Manager , and investigate whether any fraud has been done by Fund Manager or not and Money trail is there or not for buying this low graded and illiquid bonds . I think the intend of Fund Manager should be questioned and investigated by Regulators. Though we have no exposure in Franklin but for the larger issue I am going to write a letter to SEBI .

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