Trichy champion responds to commission cut concernsRajee Rajesh, Banconus Finserv, Trichy

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Banconus has grown rapidly to an AuM of Rs.380 crs in 13years, serving over 200 client families with a client facing team of 2partners, a six member back office and a more recent addition to the topmanagement team.

The firm has outgrown the modest size of Trichy and nowserves clients across South India and a few up north and overseas as well.

Rajee first focused on building client friendly processes,then launched herself into an extensive financial literacy campaign andfollowed that up with active media appearances – first ensuring capability toserve and then building the brand to bring customers to serve.

Even if MFD margins come down in the imminent round of TERrationalization, Rajee remains confident of growing her client base and AuMsizeably to ensure continued healthy business growth. In the 13 years ofBanconus, she has seen enough doomsday predictions on the fate of the MFDbusiness model to understand the merit of cutting out all the noise andfocusing on the controllables – client service and new client acquisition.

Scalable processes, strong referrals from happy clients,ability to serve clients across India and growing brand recognition all augurwell for continued rapid growth of Banconus in the years ahead - irrespectiveof regulatory twists and turns that Rajee says happen every 2 years, and willlikely continue happening at the same frequency going forward as well.

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Wow! Congrats to you mam and your team. When two CAs join together what is it that cant be achieved. Rs.1000 crs AUM is too small a figure for her I suppose. Thanks Vijay for your videos. Its truly an inspiration for us MFDs down South. Great.

Harish Rao ARN NO :Simple Equation Bangalore, 05 May 2023

Excellent conversation. Rajee is a very committed, client focused and self assured MFD. Her confidence comes through in the manner she has built a great client franchise across locations. Banconus is a role model on how MFDs from B-30 locations can evolve and take growth to the next level.

Venkat ARN NO :184136 Chennai, 03 May 2023

Best wishes to Banconus for their continued success! Truly inspiring to see the growth achieved by them over the last several years. What stands out is their focus on building process driven scalable organization with client interest above everything. As pointed out by Mr Vijay, the milestone of Rs1000 crores is well within their reach. Best wishes to Rajee and Ramkey and Team Banconus!!

oraculo ARN NO :oraculo mumbai, 03 May 2023

You are among the first person/s , (Whom I am Knowing in Industry) Not vesting the time for Industry changes Specially from Regulatory . This Industry is providing Very Secure Income Source. Even when you are not adding new business with the Market Reason your Aum growing up and total Income is also growing up. (Even if rate of Brokerage fall down) . To all MF Distributors Pl disengaged your self from talk shows etc. and try to grow your business. All these started Since 2009 , when Entry load demolished resulted with Upfront commission.

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