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Huge reset opportunity for forward-looking IFIsSunil Subramaniam, Sundaram Mutual, Chennai

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Rishabh Adukia ARN NO :NINECUBE MUMBAI, 08 Jun 2020

Switching between AMC is a move which should be done sooner than later, Important is investor should be invested till the goal is achieved, Paying an exit load for redemption maybe justified but not for swtiching.

D B DESAI ARN NO :0234 KUDAL, 04 Jun 2020

Great Idea articulated by a stalwart. Many IFAs are actually dreaming this for so many years and wonder why the streamlining of operations amongst the AMCs is not done, why can they not design a common application form and other forms etc. The facility of switch from one AMC to another AMC was offered by one platform. I do not know whether it is still there with them or not. It will be a gamechanger. True free market competition. No fear of loosing assets by the distributors because the redeemed money may not come again was the risk. This must happen. Thanks. More such candid and straight talks are the need of the hour.

Milind Chitniis ARN NO :Chitnis Financials Mumbai, 04 Jun 2020

Inter AMC switches would be dream come for true for any IFA. But can we dare to dream? Would AMCs be ready for this?

Ravikumar ARN NO :Ganadeesha Financial Solutions Mumbai, 04 Jun 2020

The concept of switching between funds is a wonderful thought process, The concept Of LET GO is very important. When Fund Managers Can Switch Between Fund House What Stops The Funds to Get Switched.

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