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Industry needs more distributors, less AMC branchesAashish Somaiyaa, Motilal Oswal AMC, Mumbai

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Raghuram ARN NO :82836 Hyderabad, 04 Jun 2020

Theoritically , all the difference between the diract plans TER and that of Regular pan shall go to the distributor. But its not happening. While a client is charged X% extra due to the option of regular plan , the same X% is not being paid to the distributor. Now added to that , the TER itself is Elastic with the AUM, so shall be the distributors commission . But its not so.What ever regulation is issued by SEBI is convinently used by AMCs to their advantage . The only solution is that SEBI shall explicitly segregate the disributor commision. Till then , as there is no surity of the income , the distribution population will likely not increase .

Sanjay Kumar ARN NO :ARN-9138 Ghaziabad , 02 Jun 2020

In favour of distributor ,if the fund houses requests SEBI to restructure the brokerage of distributors and if it can be increased its a better for the distributors community to cater the investors.

Sanjay Kumar ARN NO :Sanjay Kumar Ghaziabad , 02 Jun 2020

If the fund houses requests SEBI to restructure the brokerage of distributors and if it can be increased its a better for the distributors community to cater the investors.

DB DESAI ARN NO :0234 KUDAL, 02 Jun 2020

Finally someone thought it right and straight to speak about distributors problem. Distributors are not social workers of old era. Nowadays even social work is also well paid and taken care of. Thanks Somaiyyaji. Hope your voice reaches the right ears.

M Vedachalam ARN NO :ARN-24566 Vellore, 02 Jun 2020

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Shrinil Shah ARN NO :ARN - 0232 Mumbai, 02 Jun 2020

What is been asked for is justified. Simultaneously, if the fund houses requests SEBI to restructure the brokerage of distributors and if it can be increased its a better for the distributors community to cater the investors.

Pravin Budhauliya ARN NO :Degree 212 Consultancy Service Pune, 02 Jun 2020

Nice interaction as always with Ashish...thanks Vijay

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