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Advanced Wealth Management Course (IIBF) - Paper 3
Part III: Ch 5: Industry Analysis
Which phase is one that is just beginning to develop in the industry life cycle model?
In the __________ phase, demand approaches saturation levels.
The industry life cycle model is a tool for analyzing the effects of industry evolution on the competitive forces governing the industry.
(I) In a embryonic business, first time demand expands rapidly as many new consumers enter the market. (II) In a saturated market, there are few potential first time buyers left and most of the demand is left to replacement demand.
In a Shake-out industry, the market is largely saturated and demand is limited to replacement demand.
(I) During Mature stage, growth rates are low or zero. (II) Within a declining industry, the degree of rivalry among established companies usually decreases.
As an industry enters maturity, barriers to entry decrease and threat of entry from potential competitors’ increases.
Demand analysis ought to focus on:
Which is not the correct factor that affects pricing practices in a business?
(I) Macro-environmental analysis and competitive analysis of a business help to provide an idea of the relevant aspects for scenario-building for the business. (II) Short-term demand forecast is meaningful for real-time marketing.
Globalization has become relevant and important due to:
Globalization is a fundamental change occurring in the world economy, leading towards global dispersion of production and markets.

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