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These clients won't fall for your sales pitchRajee Rajesh, Banconus Finserv, Trichy

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As MFDs are increasingly working with families, it is nolonger an option to ignore women investors as a segment.

Women investors don’t fall for sales pitches – they taketheir time to understand, but once they get comfortable, they stay the course –giving MFDs sticky AuM

Many women don’t readily participate in financialdiscussions – either due to lack of familiarity or at times fear of theirignorance being mocked at. MFDs must take the effort to make them comfortable,help them up the learning curve – time for us to step up and play our part ingender equality.

Unlike young men who are hooked onto crypto, equity tradingand other “exciting” options, young women are keen on investment guidance fromMFDs – they represent a great client segment to focus on.

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